One-Party Divorce: The Devaluation Of Sasak Women In Eastern Indonesia


  • Syafruddin Department of Sociology Education, Mataram University, Indonesia.
  • Ulfatun Hasanah Department of Islamic Politics, Islamic State University, Indonesia.
  • Imam Malik Department of Sociology Education, Mataram University, Indonesia.
  • Ananda Wahidah


devaluation of women, divorce system, Indonesian women, extramarital affairs, domestic violence


After marriage, Muslim women in Indonesia are devalued due to various circumstances. According to numerous research, divorce is the primary reason for the devaluation of women in Indonesia. This study examines the divorce system in the Sasak community of Indonesia through the prism of women's social devaluation. The data acquired for this investigation are appropriate for providing empirical findings. The research examined 525 divorced Sasak women in Eastern Indonesia. The study's outcomes revealed that divorce is a significant factor in the devaluation of Muslim women in Indonesia. Abduction in marriage, cohabitation with the spouse's parents, extramarital encounters, and unilateral divorce are the leading causes of the degradation of women's dignity. This research makes substantial theoretical advances to the literature that were not previously documented. The findings have practical implications for preserving women's dignity after divorce and preventing divorce. The future directions of this research are a method to contribute more knowledge to the literature in this field.


