Commitment to Religious Life the Coastal Fisherman Community in Dadap Village, Indramayu, Indonesia
Commitment, Religious Life, Fishermen Coastal, Communities, Dadap VillageAbstract
Religious emotions inherently intertwine with anthropological studies on religious elements as part of human culture. This research aims to examine the level of commitment to religious life among coastal fishing communities in Indramayu Regency. The current study employs qualitative research methods. This study utilised narrative descriptive analysis techniques. The research employed observation, interviews, and documentation as instruments. The research findings indicate that the fishing community's dedication to religious life reflects the enduring influence of traditional Islam and local Islam, which have been shaped by the fusion of Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic cultural elements. The result was the emergence of syncretism, which involved the blending of Islam with local traditions. Such as: pilgrimage to cemeteries, seeking advice from knowledgeable individuals, wearing amulets, participating in the annual Nadran ceremony, engaging in mapag sri rituals, and performing ceremonies to ward off evil. The rituals performed by coastal communities encompass both personal and communal practices. This paper provides a detailed analysis of other aspects. The study's findings can inform policymakers and provide valuable insights for future research by academics.