Illegal Firearms Data Administration: Administrative Procedures and Legal Framework for Tracing Illegal Firearms in Thailand



Data Management Procedure, Public Policy, Gun Control Law, Firearms Tracing, Policy Impact, legal Measures.


The incidence of firearm-related crime in Thailand continues to rise despite sustained government efforts to regulate firearms. The presence of illegal weapons remains a significant issue within criminal activities. This study investigates the growing prevalence of illicit firearms in Thailand, evaluates the associated legal and regulatory frameworks, and addresses the challenges in enforcement. It also proposes data management procedures to enhance the efficacy of firearm tracing. Employing a grounded theory approach, the research gathered data from secondary sources and conducted in-depth interviews with officials and firearms experts. Data analysis involved systematic coding and thematic analysis. The study's findings indicate that the Thai government has enacted laws, administrative measures, and engaged in international cooperation to tackle the illegal trade and production of firearms in alignment with global treaties and frameworks. Thailand's firearm control laws and measures are comparable to those of other countries at a fundamental level. However, the country lacks essential legal structures for comprehensive firearm tracing, such as a national firearms committee, a dedicated tracing agency, a robust licensing system, and a centralized database. Further legislative action is necessary to address issues related to firearms trafficking, confiscation, and brokerage. To overcome these obstacles, the study recommends the establishment of a national firearm tracing centre, the promotion of inter-agency collaboration for more effective investigations, amendments to firearms legislation, and improved data sharing among relevant agencies.


