ISSN: 2084-7696 E-ISSN:2084-1558

Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space)


Current Articles

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About Journal

Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space) is an interdisciplinary Polish-English bilingual journal of monolingual texts. It includes articles, essays, review essays, progress reports, book reviews, discussions, and commentaries. Taking sociology as a departure point, the journal intends to promote a dialogue between scientists working in individual social sciences, including social anthropology, social psychology, social geography, political science, cultural studies, etc. It focuses on the interrelation of society and space by balancing between the sociologists’ finding that space does matter and the human geographers’ belief that space itself explains few, if anything. The journal enables rapid publication and discussion on research work for the benefit of each discipline involved.

The social sciences play an important role in understanding how space affects society. Sociology, geography and other disciplines are engaged in an active dialog about the relationship between society and the environment. In this context, it becomes clear that space is not just a physical phenomenon, but also an important factor in social development. Analyzing such processes helps to better understand how humans interact with their environment, whether urban or rural. Sometimes it is useful to take our minds off complex research and turn our attention to the entertaining aspects of life. In today's reality, there are many online platforms that help you relax. For example, there are a number of online casinos that utilize different software. Choosing the right platform can be done by paying attention to information such as the features of the software. There are various resources such as that provide an extensive review of the best types of software. Human interaction with space, whether for research or entertainment, remains a key topic for much of today's research and discussion.

The Subject Field

Society in space and region

  • Urban sociology
  • Sociology of metropolis
  • Theory and philosophy of space and region
  • Ecological urban structure
  • Social space and its perception
  • Virtual space

Territorial Collectivities

  • The structure of and changes in territorial collectivities on different spatial scales
  • Territorial identities
  • Place and homeland
  • Globalisation
  • Globality, locality and glocality

Nation, Language and Religion

  • Theory of nation
  • questions of language
  • Sacral and profane (urban) spaces
  • Borders and borderlands
  • Frontiers and (de)colonisation

Social integration

  • Inclusion, exclusion and the ghetto
  • Spatial barriers

Spaces of culture

  • Social and cultural capital
  • Sociology and anthropology of ordinariness
  • Gender spaces

Spaces of politics and media

  • Electoral geography
  • Political marketing
  • Place and homeland
  • Spaces in the media

Geopolitical space

  • State, reason of state, national interests
  • Core and periphery
  • Political space, geopolitical code and code d’honeur

Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space) is indexed in following databases

Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space) is indexed in following databases: SCOPUSIndex Copernicus Journals Master List (ICV=94,34), AriantaDOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, JournalSeek, BazHumERIH+ and Ministerial scoring 70 points.

Aims and Scopes

 Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space) is an interdisciplinary Polish-English bilingual journal of monolingual texts. It includes articles, essays, review essays, progress reports, book reviews, discussions, and commentaries. Taking sociology as a departure point, the journal intends to promote a dialogue between scientists working in individual social sciences, including social anthropology, social psychology, social geography, political science, cultural studies, etc. It focuses on the interrelation of society and space by balancing between the sociologists’ finding that space does matter and the human geographers’ belief that space itself explains few, if anything. The journal enables rapid publication and discussion on research work for the benefit of each discipline involved.

The journal competitors

Even though social space has been discussed in sociology, there is no journal devoted to social space in Polish sociology and hardly any in world sociology. In this sense therefore the journal fits the niche. Texts in social geography, including those about social space, even highly interesting and essential, are poorly known to sociologists. There is no interdisciplinary journal aimed at social space and no bilingual Polish-English journal, promoting Polish ideas in social sciences to the international readership.