The influence of personal factors and social environment on the outcome of community integration of Vietnamese women trafficked back across the border

  • Luu Song Ha Vietnam Women's Academy
  • Trinh Ha My Vietnam Women's Academy


Ảnh hưởng, các nhân tố cá nhân, các nhân tố môi trường xã hội, kết quả hòa nhập cộng đồng, phụ nữ Việt Nam bị buôn bán qua biên giới trở về..


In 2021, quantitative research employing the control method will be conducted on the influence of individual factors and the social environment on the outcomes of community integration for Vietnamese women trafficked across the border. In five border provinces of Vietnam, a questionnaire was administered to 470 women who had been re-trafficked. The study's findings revealed a correlation between education level, age at the time of trafficking, duration of trafficking, affective experiences, beliefs in social justice, traditional cultural values, and community stigma. Community and family support are not predictive of the outcome for returning women who have been trafficked. They lack access to support services, self-worth orientation, positivity, initiative, and the duties and responsibilities of relevant agencies for victims of human trafficking. The outcomes of these women's community integration are affected by the factors involved in assisting trafficked women. Considering the capacity of each factor to influence the dependent variable reveals that access to support services has the most significant impact on the outcome of community integration for women trafficked back across the border. In contrast, positivity and initiative have the most negligible influence.