Analyzing Time and Space to Understand Social Change with the Contributions of George Simmel and Gaston Bachelard
- Aytul Kasapoglu Dr., Professor of Sociology, Baskent University Department of Sociology
Time, Space, Social Change, House, Relational Sociology..
The research problem addressed in this cultural sociological study pertains to the conventional separation of time and space in the examination of social change. The primary objective of this research is to undertake a generational comparison regarding the significance of specific spaces in daily life, thereby illustrating the interconnected analysis of time and space. A secondary objective is to explore the responses of young generations to Gaston Bachelard's metaphorical concept of the "drawer" in "The Poetics of Space," by drawing parallels with pertinent examples. Employing a qualitative research approach within a relational sociological framework that rejects dichotomies and essentialism, the study derives its data from participant narratives. The qualitative analysis, informed by Simmel's conceptualization of space, reveals that, based on participant narratives, the home emerges as the most significant space for both young students and their parents. Furthermore, the findings, contextualized through the perspectives of spatial theorists such as Harvey and Lefebvre, indicate that students exhibit concerns not only for absolute spaces but also for relative and social spaces. Consequently, the study underscores the importance of examining time and space in tandem for a nuanced understanding of social change. In light of the research outcomes, it is suggested that contemporary public health plans incorporate investments in alternative socialization opportunities, such as gyms. This recommendation is particularly pertinent given the substantial amount of time young individuals dedicate to online gaming in virtual environments at home, which may contribute to their social isolation.