Occupational Health and Safety, Employee Health, Structural Equation Modeling, Oil Refineries, Workplace Safety..
This research aims to explore the existing relationship among the organizational occupational health and safety (OHS) management, OHS courses, employee health, medication awareness, and knowledge of pharmacist availability in organizations. The basic aim of this research was to test the direct relationship of organizational occupational health and safety (OHS) management and employee health. Whereas this study used OHS courses as mediator in this relation and medication awareness, and knowledge of pharmacist availability in organizations as moderators to explore the phenomenon in depth. To achieve the objective of this research, this study has collected the data from the 266 employees working in oil refineries of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, this research employed STATA-SEM modeling to test aimed relationships. The results of this research have shown a significant relationship among the direct path of this research. Moreover, results revealed that the offered OHS courses in organizations significantly mediates this relationship. The findings of this study further explained that the medication awareness, and knowledge of pharmacist availability in organization also moderates this direct relationship. The results emphasize the breadth of OHS initiatives and instructional initiatives. The unique contribution of the study is elucidating the ways in which occupational health and safety (OHS) courses and employee knowledge and awareness interact and moderate one another. Businesses can utilize this information to create safer and healthier work environments, especially in high-risk industries like oil refineries.
Oxbridge Publishing House,
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