Michael Walzer's Theory of Complex Equality

  • Ammar Ahmed Abbood Political Thought and Political Theory Dept. College of Political Science, Mustansiriyah University
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Karim Abdul Wahhab Political Thought Dept. College of Political Science, Baghdad University.


Michael Walzer, spheres of justice, complex equality, thick and thin Morals arguments, blocked exchanges..


In his influential book "Spheres of Justice," esteemed American political theorist Michael Walzer introduced his concept of "complex equality," which had a profound impact on contemporary political philosophy. While this theory argues for evaluating justice within different social sectors, each with their own standards for resource distribution, the concept of fundamental equality supports a more uniform distribution across all spheres. This study explores Walzer's fundamental concepts, such as complex equality, and their implications for citizenship and justice. It emphasises the distinctiveness of Walzer's approach compared to other theories of equality, particularly those that advocate for straightforward equality. The study also examines justice as a localised issue rather than a global one and explores the concepts necessary to engage the public in a way that could potentially impact political institutions. By conducting a thorough examination of current scholarly works and analysing Walzer's theoretical framework, this study highlights the importance and difficulties of implementing intricate equality in contemporary political and social settings. It provides valuable insights for future research and practical applications in the fields of justice and policy-making.