Volunteer employees, non-profit organizations, motivating factors, social support, psychological state, rewards system, management practices..
This study sought to discover the elements influencing the motivation level of volunteer employees in Saudi Arabian non-profit organizations (KSA). This research examined the relationship between volunteer motivation and awareness, psychological state, reward system, management practices, social support, and social support. The population of this study consists of non-profit organizations operating in KSA, and the respondents to this survey are volunteer employees of these organizations. This study utilized quantitative research methodology to conduct a questionnaire survey employing a cross-sectional research design. There were 222 valid responses received and used for SPSS data analysis. The findings indicate that volunteer employees in non-profit organizations in Saudi Arabia require significant social support, improved psychological conditions, and positive management methods. Observations suggest that strong social support, enhanced psychological conditions, and good management practices can increase the motivating level of volunteer employees working for non-profit organizations. The senior management of non-profit organizations can use these findings to increase the motivation of their volunteer workforce.
Oxbridge Publishing House,
4 White House Way, B91 1SE Sollihul United Kingdom
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Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Przestrzen Społeczna i Srodowisko
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